PlantSight Smart 3D Bridge Extractor Help

Admin Console, OP Conversion Tab

When the Convert to OpenPlant EC Schema option is selected, you need to also check the parameters on this tab to ensure the selections are correct.

Embed OP EC Schemas: This is valid only for file based conversions to dgn as i.dgn and .imodel conversions have the schemas embedded into the model. If you convert piping and equipment from Smart 3D into OpenPlant Modeler, you should have this option unchecked as it avoids any issues with OpenPlant and the embedded schemas.
Delivered Data:
  • All - All objects in the filter will be written out to the model.
  • Only converted (OP) objects - Only the objects that when converted use the OpenPlant schema. This option is not compatible with OP Convert Add-in (running in OpenPlant Modeler).
  • Converted (OP) objects with Conversion Notes - same as the above option, but includes notes related to the conversion such as any errors.
  • Non-converted (S3D) objects - Objects that would not be converted to use the OpenPlant schema

A typical scenario for using these options is to convert once using Only converted (OP) objects. The resulting model has the piping and equipment and is used in OpenPlant Modeler. Run the conversion a 2nd time with the Non-converted (S3D) objects option selected. This 2nd model is used as a reference in OpenPlant modeler and contains the objects that were not converted with the first conversion.

Note: The OP Convert Add-in (running in OpenPlant Modeler) requires the Delivered Data mode be set to All or Converted (OP) objects with Conversion Notes, otherwise the add-in can not proceed.
Target Workspace: Used to select the workspace used in OpenPlant Modeler to work with export model. This is valid for both file based conversions as well as conversions to PlantSight and iModelHub. The default value is Mixed Metric. It is important to make sure this is set correctly for your project before starting any conversions.